Photo Bureau Neteem Portage salarial et PEOHOME En, NeteemHOME En, NeteemHOME En, NeteemHOME En, NeteemHOME En, Neteem

Looking for a compliant employment solution in France
without the risks, costs and administrative
headache of creating a company ?

Neteem is a
registered employer
in France

and has been providing
services since 2002.

There are two time-efficient and cost-effective employment solutions available to you in France :

As a Professional Employment Outsourcing (PEO) company, Neteem can employ your consultant for the duration of his/her contract.  Neteem has been operating as a registered employer in France since 2002.

The consultant will sign an employment contract with Neteem and carry out the assignment in compliance with French law.  Neteem will manage all the on-boarding, payrolling and off-boarding procedures and handle all the necessary declarations.

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Alternatively, a Foreign Employer in France (FEF or ESEF) status enables you to employ personnel in France directly under your company name, without creating a company.

We will guide you through the FEF registration process and then register you with all the relevant benefit funds.  Your employees are then set up on your French payroll, managed in compliance under French employment law, but without all the complexities and financial obligations of setting up a fully-fledged French company.

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Check out our answers to your Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on employment in France.